Cosmogonia! Spettacolo e seminario di clown
Cosmogonia! Spettacolo e seminario di clown

Sabato 2/12 alle 20:00

The origin of the world or how the hell it all happened.

Spettacolo di clown teatrale del gruppo di clown attivist* "DOAN" da Atene
Spettacolo in Greco con sopratitoli in Italiano.

Sabato 2/12 15:00-18:00 e Domenica 3/12 11:00-14:00

The Clown Effect
Non Verbal Acts - Physical Theater seminar
by Wichi (regista dello spettacolo)
il seminario sarà in inglese e la partecipazione ad offerta libera ma consapevole

Info e prenotazioni  : +39 378 086 2829 (whatsapp / telegram)


The Clown Effect
Non Verbal Acts - Physical Theater seminar

The seminar is based on clown technique. The main goal is to explore the
target-obstacle relationship, through actions that let the individuals experience failure
and repetition.
Through exercises of observation, imitation and exaggeration, they create their mask
and costume - unique to each - and discover their personal clown.
The clowns interact with each other and are challenged to overcome personal and
group obstacles, through tryouts that strengthen the collective spirit and create a special
- usually non verbal - communication.
1st day: Create and explore our unique personal clown.
2nd day: Overcoming obstacles.

The origin of the world or how the hell it all happened

A physical theater performance, combining the elements of clowning and ritual, based on myths
from all over the world about Genesis, Destruction and Recreation.
The play includes the poems O., The bean, Cosmology part 3 of Wichi, an excerpt of the myth
Yhi brings life to the world from Australian Aboriginals, an excerpt from Hesiod’s Theogony, as
well as fragments from The Street Smarts by Nikos Tsiforos, The Memoirs of the Cardinal de
Retz and The Builders by Giorgos Cheimonas.

Director’s Note:
To create this act we had to exist at all costs. So forgive us for any extravagance.

Direction - Dramaturgy - Text Composition - Movement: Wichi
Dramaturgy Consultant - Coaching: Marisha Triantafyllidou
Conception of scenery - Costumes: Wichi, Konstantinos Chaldaios and the creative team
(Dimitris-Apollon Apladas, Ioanna Zerva, Alexandros Michalis Mpokolas, Themis
Scenography Execution: Konstantinos Chaldaios
Lighting Design: Ioanna Zerva
Music dramaturgy and original musical composition: Wichi and the Muses (Babis
Athanasopoulos, Konstantinos Kontogeorgopoulos, Dimitra Onoufriadou, Vasilis
Tsalikis, Elisavet-Danae Tsiopli, Ilia Giakoumaki, Danae Pazirgiannidi) with the voices of
the theatrical group
Director’s Assistant: Katerina Kaoustou
On stage: Yiannis Baritakis, Olympia Boulogeorgou, Stamatis Fakorellis, Nikos
Frantzeskos, Anya Lebedenko, Themistoklis Malesagos, Dimitra Onoufriadou, Themis
Pantelidis, Ilena Toskou, Danae Tsiopli, Thomas Vasileiadis, Wichi, Ioanna Zerva

Dramaturg’s Note

In order to understand their own existence they make up myths and stories. But don’t be fooled.
Every myth is real and every story a fiction.

In every story, hover the eternal queries: “what is god?”, “what is human?”, “how the hell did it all
happen?”. Is god an external eye that watches, guides, punishes and rewards? Or is it a
transcendent element within everyone, appearing in their deepest, in their brightest moments.
Human’s impulses, values and darkness, strengths and weaknesses. Humans placed in a
strange world must somehow live. They don't know how. Through this quest they sometimes
reach a transcendence that lasts only for a moment and then it is lost in the Universe.

And yet Humans go on.
For the taste of freedom, for one more moment.
This world is a world of creatures. Clowns. And the narrative is double. On the one hand the
course of Theogony: Chaos, Gaia, Titans, Gods, Titanomachy. On the other hand each one with
their personal Cosmogony.

Everything pre-exists and everything starts with a Genesis. The actor-poet invites the Muses to
play the ancient song, to tell the story of the World. And so the narrative’s thread is unraveled by
the clown-Muses with their “enchanting” song. With this song they attract on stage the earthen
clowns that give a mask to the actor-poet with colors and dust, and then to a part of the
audience that carried away by what is occurring they descend on the stage creating a Chorus.

Now all together they reach trance through a Genesis ritual and soon the first Death comes.
And then the Recreation. Every clown-human-god emerges from the whole, reaches briefly their
supreme moment and then the moment fades away and the clown-human-god becomes again
one with the Chorus. And Humans live, as they can, they fail, they fall, they rise again and
continue. Together. These creatures that move between wisdom and foolishness, unite humor
with ritual, creating a peculiar language, a little strange, a little excessive, from the need to
communicate and in the end, being somehow altered, they sit between the audience to start
again from the beginning and maybe this time more humans will be lured to join.

10 mesi fa
Camere d'Aria
Via Guelfa 40/4